AMD EPYC 9755 CPU Spotted: 128 “Zen 5” CPU Cores, 256 Threads, Up To 4.1 GHz Clocks & 650 MB of Cache

AMD EPYC 9755 CPU Spotted: 128 "Zen 5" CPU Cores, 256 Threads, Up To 4.1 GHz Clocks & 650 MB of Cache 1

AMD's next-gen EPYC Turin CPU, the 9755, featuring an incredible 128 cores and 256 threads with a massive pool of cache has been spotted. AMD EPYC 9755 "Turin" CPU Features 33% More High-Performance Cores Based on Zen 5 Architecture, A Huge Chunk of Cache AMD's upcoming 5th Gen EPYC CPUs, codenamed Turin, are going to take core counts to the extreme. With up to 128 cores with the classic Zen 5 architecture and up to 192 cores with the density-optimized Zen 5C architecture. Both of these chips will go on to power the next-gen of data centers, offering big uplifts […]

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