Technicians Modded The 24-Inch iMac by Eliminating the Chin and Adding a Backlit Apple Logo, Achieving an All-Screen Design

iMac Mod All-Screen Design

Some technicians have successfully managed to mod a 24-inch iMac by removing the chin and adding a backlit Apple logo, The mod was conducted by technicians in China. The Io group took its inspiration from Apple's iMac G4 in 2002. The device featured slimmer but uniform bezels on all four sides. Scroll down to read more details on the subject.

 24-Inch iMac Mod inspired by iMac G4 shows uniform bezels and a glowing Apple logo at the back

As mentioned earlier, the idea of an all-screen iMac was taken from the company's iMac G4. Additionally, the iMac mod is relevant because Apple is rumored to launch an all-screen iMac. While the chin has been cut down by the technicians, a backlit Apple logo was also added to the mix, making it a one-of-a-kind product. The video of the mod was shared on the Chinese website Bilibili.

As for how the technicians modded the device is not so simple. Technicians had to open up and cut down the chin of the device. Furthermore, the edges were ground to look exactly like the top which gave the device a uniform look and feel. Furthermore, the technicians also designed a new casing for the back with a bigger area where the logic board and ports would rest. The casing was then 3D printed for testing purposes before it was carved out of aluminum for the final build.

Once the casing was ready, the technicians arranged the iMac's components in a manner that did not collect heat. Since the chassis is now smaller than before, there will be heat constraints, and proper steps were taken to minimize the impact of a smaller housing. With the new casing, the technicians also saw fit to add another hardware feature, a backlit Apple logo. Since the inspiration for the design was the iMac G4, it makes sense for the technicians to add a glowing Apple logo.

iMac Mod All-Screen Design
iMac Mod All-Screen Design
iMac Mod All-Screen Design

The Apple logo was made from acrylic which reminds us of older MacBook models with a glowing Apple logo at the back. In terms of color choice, Io technology technicians designed the housing in Space Gray while the display bezels were painted in black. The result was a completely overhauled product that Apple could have made. You can check out the results in the images and it looks surprisingly good.

This is all there is to it, folks. It is unclear when Apple will release an all-screen iMac to the public. We will keep you guys updated on the latest, so be sure to stick around. Share your thoughts with us in the comments.

Written by Ali Salman

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