Hogwarts Legacy – Best Talents To Unlock In The Game
Talents are an essential part of your magical journey in Hogwarts Legacy. They help you enhance your spells, combat powers, stealth abilities, and more. As you progress in the game, you will rely on them to defeat your enemies, discover new secrets, and complete various quests.
Talents give a nice boost to your skills and can make a difference on multiple occasions. In total, 48 unique Talents are available in the game; however, you can unlock only 35 of them. Therefore, you need to focus on the ones that can really make a difference to you based on your playstyle. Some Talents, however, are an absolute must-have for every witch and wizard, so they should be unlocked as soon as possible.
How Talents work in Hogwarts Legacy
![talents in hogwarts legacy](https://cdn.wccftech.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/Hogwarts-Legacy-talents.jpg)
Talents aren’t available from the beginning of the game. You can access this specific voice in the main menu when you complete the Jackdaw's Rest main quest, which you get after some hours of playing, but still quite early. You will be introduced to this useful game mechanic along with Talent Points, which are the only way to unlock new Talents in Hogwarts Legacy.
Starting from level 5, you earn one Talent Point every time you level up. The game’s level cap is set to 40, so you will only get 35 points during your adventure, and you need to choose how to spend them properly to power up your character. Each Talent will cost you one point, regardless of its perks. Once you unlock a new Talent, you will no longer be able to undo the selection you have made, so make sure you spend the points carefully.
The best Talents to unlock in Hogwarts Legacy
![best talents in hogwarts legacy](https://cdn.wccftech.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/Hogwarts-legacy-11.jpg)
Talents are divided into five different categories: Spells, Dark Arts, Core, Stealth, and Room of Requirement. You can check the best for each group below.
The best Spells Talents
- Confringo Mastery. Confringo is one of the most powerful spells you can use in combat. You can get the Confringo Mastery Talent to make it even more effective. When you cast this enchantment, it will generate flame bolts that will hit enemies nearby. It can be unlocked from level 5, and Confringo is also required, so you must learn it first.
- Transformation Mastery. The Transformation spell allows you to transform enemies into inoffensive items. With this Talent, you can turn them into explosive objects and throw them to other opponents nearby. You need to reach level 22 to unlock it, though, and also be able to cast the Transformation enchantment.
The best Dark Arts Talents
- Disarming Curse. When you use Expelliarmus, you will also curse your enemies. As a consequence, they will take increased damage from your attacks. This skill can be redeemed from level 5.
- Curse Sapper. Every time you defeat an enemy that has been cursed, your health will be partially restored. This will prevent you from using too many Wiggenweld Potions against more challenging opponents. Curse Sapper can be unlocked from level 22.
The best Core Talents
- Spell Knowledge I, II, III. When you first start playing, you have only four active spell slots. They soon won't be enough, as you will learn many new enchantments. Fortunately, these Talents allow you to unlock three new spell sets for a total of 16 available slots. Spell Knowledge I and II can be redeemed from level 5, while you must reach level 16 to get the remaining one.
- Revelio Mastery. This Talent increases the range of Revelio. You will be able to spot enemies, chests, Field Guide pages, and more from a greater distance, making the exploration easier in the game. Revelio Mastery can be unlocked from level 16.
- Protego Expertise. When you block an enemy spell with Protego, it will send two projectiles back at them, dealing some damage. This way, Protego won’t be just a defensive enchantment anymore. You can get Protego Expertise from level 16.
The best Stealth Talents
- Human Demiguise. When you use Disillusionment, you will be pretty slow while moving. However, this Talent allows you to sprint, making your life much easier in the game. It can be unlocked from level 5.
- Sense of Secrecy I, II. Enemies and other characters can still spot you while you use the Disillusionment spell. With Sense of Secrecy I and II, the chances of this happening are reduced. The first can be unlocked at level 5 and the latter at level 16.
The best Room of Requirement Talents
- Fertiliser. Chinese Chomping Cabbages are a great resource in combat, as they are highly aggressive and will relentlessly attack your enemies. With this Talent, a second Chinese Chomping Cabbage is generated and released for free when you throw the first one. You can unlock it at level 5.
- Headache. Mandrakes temporarily incapacitate your enemies, giving you a brief advantage during a fight. With this power-up, the effect of Mandrakes is increased. It requires level 16 to be unlocked.
If you need more help with the game, you can check all the available spells in Hogwarts Legacy and how to learn them, where to find all Gobstones, and how to get a broom.
The post Hogwarts Legacy – Best Talents To Unlock In The Game by Agnese Carluccio appeared first on Wccftech.
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